September 2024 at Maplecrest


September has arrived! I’m sure many of you are excited for cooler weather, football season, and the changing of the leaves. August brought us a significant storm that resulted in trees falling and property damage. I am so thankful that the storm was not worse and that nobody was injured. I am extremely proud and appreciative of our staff for their rapid response to keep residents safe both during the storm and after. I greatly appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked to clean up and repair the damage.
In addition to weather, we had to deal with Covid last month. It is likely that it will rear its ugly head yet again in the coming months. If you develop any cold/flu symptoms, please try to refrain from visiting to help us control the potential spread of illness. Hand sanitizer and masks are readily available if you need them. Information on the 2024 Flu Vaccine and Covid Vaccine will be shared with you as soon as its available.
Lastly, be on the lookout for information on our Annual Fall Fest Event on October 19th. It will certainly be something that you do not want to miss!
Happy Fall!

God Bless,

Clinton Ansell

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